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How Contegix Makes FedRAMP Compliance Easy for Aerospace and Defense IT Teams

By Elizabeth Clor

Aerospace and defense companies are on the forefront of innovation. But when it comes to driving that innovation further, moving to the cloud is an important step for aerospace and defense companies.

Cloud solutions provide unparalleled flexibility and scale. And some cloud providers offer strong security and advanced technologies, such as AI and edge computing, that are underutilized in aerospace and defense. Cloud solutions are also less costly than on-prem technologies, which helps reduce overall tooling costs. But despite the competitive advantage offered by cloud, only 38% of aerospace and defense companies have mature cloud practices and tools in place. 

Why are aerospace and defense lagging behind other industries in cloud adoption? Regulatory compliance is a big reason: Aerospace and defense IT teams often face challenges in navigating complex regulations, such as the Federal Risk and Authorization Management program, or FedRAMP, which is mandatory for any organization using cloud-based tools while working with a government partner. Cloud providers and cloud-based tools that have FedRAMP Authority to Operate (ATO) have demonstrated they’ve taken the mandatory measures to ensure the protection of sensitive data, secure cloud infrastructure, and mitigate cybersecurity risks. With nearly 60% of government contract spending in defense and aerospace, FedRAMP authorization should be on the radar for organizations in these sectors. 

Most cloud tools that don’t have a FedRAMP ATO built-in, such as industry-leading Atlassian work management tools, but still offer significant advantages in flexibility, agility, and scale. However, dealing with the minutiae of regulatory compliance in-house can strain internal resources and hold back cloud adoption. To onboard these solutions, aerospace and defense organizations should consider working with a FedRAMP-certified solutions partner, such as Contegix, which can offer assistance in selecting the best cloud solutions for their organization, support for operations, and mitigation of common pain points and risks. That means companies can enjoy the benefits of cloud, without the headache of managing compliance. 

Contegix Can Facilitate Regulatory Compliance

As important as aerospace and defense regulations are, their complexity can hold companies back from switching tools or platforms and taking advantage of the technology necessary to remain competitive. Only 44% of aerospace and defense companies have completed regulatory compliance planning related to cloud adoption, and 52% remain in the planning stage. 

To speed this process without compromising security or compliance, an external partner can help manage the details of regulatory compliance. Contegix specializes in understanding and implementing regulatory requirements, and can guide aerospace and defense organizations through the intricacies of FedRAMP. By providing assistance in compliance assessment, documentation, and control implementation, Contegix eases cloud adoption’s strain on internal resources.

Cloud Infrastructure Optimization Means Better Performance

Safe and secure cloud adoption doesn’t end with compliance. With cloud solutions potentially touching everything from product design to pilot communication, aerospace and defense companies must ensure their cloud infrastructure is set up for efficient, secure performance. Equipped with expertise in cloud technologies and cloud regulation, consulting teams like Contegix can optimize cloud infrastructure for aerospace and defense companies. They can assist in designing and implementing secure cloud architectures that meet FedRAMP standards and company needs, including scalability, performance optimization, and cost-effectiveness. 

Contegix provides readymade, turnkey solutions, such as a managed, FedRAMP-authorized platform for using Atlassian tools. We also build customized solutions that meet specific organizational needs. For instance, Contegix worked with the US Space Force to provide an award-winning, highly tailored solution that allowed the agency to take advantage of Atlassian products’ agility, flexibility, and customization. Working together with another partner, Contegix delivered this optimized solution in under six months, alleviating what could have been a years-long burden if in-house teams were saddled with the responsibility on top of their regular job duties. 

Partner Support Creates Proactive Risk Management

Navigating FedRAMP compliance can be a complex and time-consuming process for aerospace and defense IT teams. However, by partnering with Contegix, these organizations can leverage specialized expertise to streamline compliance processes, optimize cloud infrastructure, and enhance security measures. 

Embracing partner support is a proactive step towards ensuring the security, efficiency, and regulatory compliance of aerospace and defense organizations. By working together with Contegix, organizations can enjoy the benefits of the cloud without any drawbacks. 

Reach out to Contegix today to assess your FedRAMP compliance needs and determine if partner support makes sense for your transition to cloud.