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3 Ways TrustStack Bolsters DevSecOps Across Government Teams

By Elizabeth Clor

Obstacles can arise for any organization pursuing digital transformation, but for public sector teams, complex security and compliance requirements are a unique hurdle. It’s no surprise that DevSecOps, short for development, security, and operations, has become a priority for many of these teams.

DevSecOps is a set of practices that integrate security into Agile and DevOps processes, allowing teams to drive innovation while minimizing risk. DevSecOps doesn’t just emphasize security as an abstract value. It focuses on a ‘baked-in’ approach, where security testing takes place beginning early on and throughout the software development lifecycle, rather than at the end. These practices are easiest to implement via work management tools, but in order for public sector teams to benefit from the modern standard of development principles their work management tools must be secure, as well as open, transparent, and agile.

To meet these needs, Contegix now offers TrustStack, our own DevSecOps-ready collaboration platform. This solution combines leading task management, knowledge management, and ChatOps tools in a single integrated and secure workspace. Designed from the ground up with a focus on security, transparency, ease of adoption, and scalable governance, TrustStack brings DevSecOps into reach for public sector teams in three key ways.


1. TrustStack Unifies Leading Agile Tools in a Streamlined Environment

Because most agile work management tools don’t meet public sector security and compliance requirements out of the box, government IT teams must configure these tools to be operable within government environments. Manual configuration of these tools is complex, cost-prohibitive, and time-consuming. For this reason, organizations often pursue specialized expertise, which can drive up costs and prolong implementation timelines.

If multiple tools are needed, such as both task management and knowledge management programs, IT teams must deal with this burden again for each additional tool and afterwards, toggle back and forth between each system to complete their work—a cumbersome process with inefficient results.

This challenge inspired our team to build TrustStack and join leading product management tools in a unified environment. Customers can choose to add Atlassian tools including Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket, as well as Mattermost and Gitlab, or customize the platform to support legacy tools they already use. With TrustStack, users can easily and effectively work in different software within one system, and take advantage of newer work management tools without the added complexity and security risk of manual configuration.

2. TrustStack Eliminates Longtime Pain Points Obstructing DevSecOps Adoption

Contegix professionals have helped stand up many of the world’s largest and most secure CI/CD and DevSecOps platforms and have directly experienced common pain points that have long plagued existing platforms. When our team designed TrustStack, we made it a focus to create a better user experience across every touch point, from the admin to the end user. By adding managed offerings and improving the day-to-day user experience, TrustStack encourages stress-free DevSecOps adoption.

For instance, PlatformOne users are familiar with one common problem: using both Jira and Confluence simultaneously requires the user to sign in each time they switch from tool to tool. In TrustStack, a single sign-on allows for seamless switching between tools while maintaining security.

Our managed offerings also ease the path to effective DevSecOps practices. In other development environments, IT teams must handle the complexities of billing, licensing, compliance, accreditation, ATOs and more on their own. If an organization does not have an in-house specialist, these tools can become cost-prohibitive to adopt. When organizations choose TrustStack, however, experienced Contegix specialists handle these details. That means that IT teams can remain focused on their work itself, and save time and money.

3. In DevSecOps and TrustStack, Security Comes First

TrustStack isn’t just a software development and operations platform—it’s an environment tailored to support DevSecOps at scale. That means supporting both security and agile at every step in the project management process. For instance, dual redundant security layers prevent human error in granting unauthorized access to high-level information. At the same time, TrustStack offers the flexibility and transparency necessary for the agile workflows at the heart of DevSecOps to function at scale. With plug-and-play functionality, vertical and horizontal visibility, and collaboration-centric tools, more teams can be onboarded to TrustStack more easily.

Other development environments meant for FedRAMP teams haven’t been designed to work for several teams at-scale, and don’t offer much flexibility when it comes to tailoring the environment to suit individual teams’ needs. With greater customization, the project management suite in TrustStack supports work rather than hindering it. For instance, teams can whitelabel their own levels, providing an alternative to the clunkiness of multi-tenant environments.

Comprehensive Security Backed By Comprehensive Support

In order to help teams get the most out of TrustStack, Contegix support staff are available to assist with every aspect of the collaboration environment. Our white-glove support experts are well-versed in security, compliance, and licensing, and can help tailor an organization’s program to their specific needs.

TrustStack is designed for security, built on experience, and supported by experts. Not only does the platform allow teams to onboard to Atlassian platforms more efficiently, minimize costs, and ensure compliance: it enables teams to harness the power of DevSecOps while Contegix handles the nitty-gritty.

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