
Choosing the Best Tools for Your DevSecOps Transformation | Contegix

Written by Elizabeth Clor | Aug 30, 2022 10:28:00 AM

The costs associated with a security breach are higher than ever, up to an average of $4.24 million per business. Moving from DevOps to a DevSecOps framework has become one of the best ways for organizations to guarantee that code ships securely—and to avoid the costly repercussions of breaches. 

DevSecOps provides a wide variety of benefits to organizations that make the transition. The structured approach to software development that DevSecOps provides builds security into processes at every stage, and, as a result, processes become more agile. When security threats do arise, issues can be detected immediately and resolved quickly and with less work and expense. And DevSecOps makes security a responsibility of more departments, working to reduce risk across an organization. 

However, the shift to DevSecOps can present challenges, including the culture change teams experience when transitioning from legacy systems and beginning working with a more collaborative attitude toward security. To maximize the benefits of DevSecOps, it’s not enough to simply have a transition plan in place—organizations must ensure they are equipped with the right tools. A partner like Contegix can help teams vet, select and integrate new platforms for a seamless DevSecOps transition. For those pursuing DevSecOps, here are three essential considerations for choosing tools that will support and sustain a successful transition to DevSecOps. 

1. Automation

Automation is a crucial element of DevSecOps because it removes manual security checks and the risk of human error they can bring. Automated security tools, such as Atlassian Bitbucket Pipelines and Synk, also save time and improve the speed to market of work releases. And tools that include automated testing, including Atlassian’s Jira software, can verify that software security patches are correct, reducing risks during the update process. Part of the reason to transition to DevSecOps is that it can support a continuous flow of integrations and updates of code, helping businesses avoid unnecessary downtime. As an Atlassian Platinum Solutions Partner, Contegix can help teams onboard Atlassian tools and utilize integrations to execute automated testing.

2. Scalability 

DevSecOps solutions should have the ability to evolve and scale with organizations’ framework, tech stack, and overall growth. By being forward-thinking, teams can ensure that the tools they choose can continue to serve them for years without disrupting operations or putting data at risk. Automation also helps with scale. Once organizations’ DevSecOps tools and processes are installed and implemented, you won’t have to manually reproduce them when you need to expand your workload resources or add new locations. Instead, organizations can immediately scale systems with a short series of clicks. But installing scalable technology can be a challenging process for any organization. To make sure teams are set up for success, a partner like Contegix can assist with onboarding and customizations for new tech.  

3. Ease of Use

Finally, tools should be easy to implement and use by all stakeholders, including developers and operations engineers who don’t have the same level of specialization in security. And make sure the team members understand how security adds value to day-to-day tasks so it's not seen as a burden. Collaborative tools like Confluence can boost transparency and help create a culture of shared responsibility across teams and organizations. The right DevSecOps tools will empower developers to identify and correct any potential security issues without needing to stop and engage the assistance of the IT security specialists. A partner like Contegix can offer teams with expert instruction to leverage highly rated Atlassian platforms for DevSecOps principles. 

Learn more about how Contegix can help your organization tackle common security challenges with the right Atlassian DevSecOps tools.